Complete Machining Center: We do all of our machining “In House” to ensure strict adherence to our mechanical specifications.

In-House Features
- Inert Hot Press • Melting Furnace
- Vacuum Hot Press • Oxidation Furnace
- Induction Hot Press • Induction Melting
- Melting Furnace
- Oxidation Furnace
- Induction Melting
- Complete CNC Machine Shop
Materials Characterization Facility
Our Material Science and Engineering Center is supported by several state-of-the-art characterization systems. We Sputtering Targetemploy Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) for morphology analysis. In addition, we use Electron Dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) to determine chemical composition. Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) are used to check phase purity in powders and metals. Furthermore, Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) is used to determine elemental stochiometry, while Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry (GDMS) is available to determine trace chemical impurities.
In addition to these facilities, we can characterize materials for electrical resistivity using our four-terminal method. The temperature ranges from room temperature to 77 Kelvin. We also have a facility to characterize the diamagnetic performance of a material.

The Manufacturing Process
SCM’s compound materials are produced using an advanced Hot Pressing technique, which yields targets approaching theoretical densities,much greater than other techniques. This offers excellent homogeneity, which ensures for repeatable use. All metals, alloys, and intermetallics are vacuum melted, then rolled and machined to size.
SCM strives to deliver all orders within the timeframe referenced on the original quotation.
However, should your order be delayed, SCM will contact you with an updated schedule.
Upon completion, all products are given a final inspection by one of our quality control specialists. Products are then thoroughly cleansed and packaged in our air-controlled clean room under vacuum seal. All products are sealed in a 5 millimeter poly bag. Upon request, we can also provide double bagging in a larger 6 millimeter outer liner bag with an Argon gas back fill.

All products shipped will be properly labeled and contain the appropriate documentation which includes, but is not limited to, a Certificate of Analysis, Material Safety Data Sheet, and the Packing List. Custom documentation available upon request.
Because your process information may be proprietary and the free exchange of information may be the only route to a solution, we routinely enter into non-disclosure agreements to protect proprietary process information.